לוקהיד מרטין F-35 לייטנינג II (באנגלית: F-35 Lightning II; ידוע גם כ”מטוס תקיפה משותף”, או בקיצור JSF) הוא מטוס קרב חמקן מהדור החמישי, המיוצר על ידי חברת לוקהיד מרטין.
As the most deadly, resilient, and interconnected fighter jet globally, the F-35 provides pilots with a crucial edge over any opponent.
לאחר חודשים של מחלוקות: אושרה רכישת טייסת שלישית של מטוסי F-35. ועדת השרים להצטיידות נתנה את האישור לרכישה, לאחר שהשרים יואב גלנט ובצלאל סמוטריץ’ הגיעו להסכמה.
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II
The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is an American series of single-seat, single-engine, supersonic stealth strike fighters. It is a multirole combat aircraft.
כמו מטוסי קרב אחרים בקטגוריה שלו, ה-F-35 תוכנן להיכנס ולפעול בשטחים עם רמות גבוהות של איומים, לבצע תקיפות ולשתף במידע מודיעיני.
ב-3 מיליארד דולר: נחתמה עסקת הענק לרכש מטוסי ה-F35
משרד הביטחון חתם עם הממשל האמריקני על רכישת הטייסת השלישית של מטוס ה”אדיר”, אשר תיכנס לשירות בצה”ל החל בשנת 2028. בזכות העסקה, צי מטוסי החמקן יגדל ל-75.
המדינה שמעוניינת בחמקנים – ותשקול גם יד שנייה. חיל האוויר שמקיים תוכנית לבניית צי מטוסים קטלני בים התיכון; המטוס הזה מסוכן יותר מה-F-35 חמקן. זהו הסיפור שמאחורי ההצהרה המפתיעה הזו.
חידוש אספקת מטוסי הקרב F-35 עם תוכנת TR-3 חלקית
במסגרת המעבר לתצורה חדשה: חידוש אספקת מטוסי הקרב F-35 עם תוכנת TR-3 חלקית. עבודות ההתקנה של התוכנה התעכבו בחברת לוקהיד מרטין, ולכן משרד ההגנה סירב לקלוט.
What you need to know about our new F-35
The F-35 is truly unique. Its stealth capabilities enable our pilots to conduct classified operations without alerting the adversary. Just 20 seconds after takeoff,
The Hidden Troubles of the F-35
El programa F-35 tiene actualmente 857 deficiencias, pero solo siete se consideran críticas. La historia interna de dos vuelos supersónicos que cambiaron la forma en que América…
F-35 Lightning II Joint Program Office
Lt. Gen. Michael J. Schmidt serves as the Program Executive Officer for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Program Office located in Arlington, Virginia. … The F-35 Joint Program
F-35 Lightning II Training Systems
The F-35 Training System facilitates ongoing, upgrade, and mission rehearsal training for certified F-35 pilots. Thanks to the high fidelity of the F-35 Full
-35A, designed for conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL), equips the U.S. Air Force and its allies with the capability to achieve air superiority – at any time and in any location.
The F-35 Will Now Exceed $2 Trillion As the Military Plans …
El F-35 ha estado afectado por el aumento de costos y retrasos, lo que ha resultado en lo que algunos han llamado una asombrosa etiqueta de precio de más de 2 billones de dólares a lo largo de varias décadas.
Reabastecimiento Aéreo del F-35 … Dos aeronaves F-35A Lightning II de la Fuerza Aérea de los EE. UU. asignadas al 421º Escuadrón de Caza, Base de la Fuerza Aérea Hill, Utah, reciben combustible de un avión de EE. UU.
L’F-35 allinea un’incomparabile stealth con una consapevolezza situazionale a 360 gradi e la capacità di condurre attacchi in modo elettronico.
F-35 Lightning II: Powering Aerospace Innovation
F-35 Lightning II … Desde el sistema de gestión de energía y térmica (PTMS) hasta el sistema de generación de oxígeno a bordo (OBOGS), las tecnologías avanzadas de Honeywell desempeñan
More than just a fighter jet, the F-35’s capability to gather, assess, and disseminate data serves as a significant force multiplier, improving the effectiveness of all airborne, surface, and ground operations.
It merges cutting-edge stealth capabilities with the speed and agility of a fighter, incorporates sophisticated mission systems, and integrates fully fused sensor data.
L3Harris supplies the F-35 with advanced cockpit communications, data processing capabilities, cutting-edge avionics, and electronic warfare systems, in addition to efficient pneumatic systems.
the inception of the program. The F-35B variant, specifically designed for short takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL) operations, showcases advanced technologies and innovative design features that have been refined over time. Lockheed Martin’s commitment to meeting the diverse needs of modern warfare has driven the development of the F-35B, ensuring it remains a versatile and powerful asset for the United States and its allies.
F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Coverage
Following developmental challenges, Lockheed Martin intends to invest more than $350 million in the F-35 program over the next five years, as reported to Breaking.
Aircraft Performance Database > F35
Multirole combat aircraft designed for all-weather operations. It also possesses capabilities for electronic warfare as well as intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.
After a rigorous four-year competition, the U.S. Department of Defense announced on October 26, 2001, that Lockheed Martin would lead the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program.
F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: Program Continues to Encounter …
Lo que encontró la GAO. El programa F-35 alcanzó la producción a plena capacidad en marzo de 2024. La producción a plena capacidad es el momento en que un programa ha demostrado
F-35A Lightning II – Royal Australian Air Force
L’F-35A Lightning II est la première capacité de combat aérien de cinquième génération des Forces de défense australiennes. C’est un système multi-rôle hautement avancé, supersonique,
F-35 Lightning II Fighter Jet Engine
En el desarrollo de esta compleja máquina, Lockheed Martin recurrió a Howmet Aerospace para muchas de sus piezas críticas. Estas incluyen aluminio forjado en una sola pieza.
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II – AIRPOWER24 6th
The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is a fifth-generation stealth multirole fighter designed to succeed the F-16 Fighting Falcon and even older aircraft models.
Peso: Máximo T-O 70,000 lb. Planta de energía: F-35A: un Pratt & Whitney F135-PW-100, 40,000 lb de empuje. Rendimiento: Velocidad Mach 1.6 con carga de armas internas completa.
El F-35 Lightning II es el único verdadero caza de quinta generación, y utiliza las últimas tecnologías en estructuras aerodinámicas avanzadas, sistemas de sensores,
L’F-35 allinea un’incomparabile stealth con una consapevolezza situazionale a 360 gradi e la capacità di condurre attacchi in modo elettronico.
After a rigorous four-year competition, the U.S. Department of Defense announced on October 26, 2001, that Lockheed Martin would lead the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program.
F-35 Lightning II Fighter Jet Engine
En el desarrollo de esta compleja máquina, Lockheed Martin recurrió a Howmet Aerospace para muchas de sus piezas críticas. Estas incluyen aluminio forjado en una sola pieza.
The F-35 is undoubtedly the most advanced fighter jet in the world. With its stealth capabilities, it acts as a quarterback in the sky and offers much more. The F-35 evokes both fear and controversy.
What you need to know about our new F-35
Once the F-35 touches down in Israel, it will be entirely ours. The IAF is integrating its own systems into the aircraft, infusing a bit of the Start-Up Nation into this already advanced platform.
F-35 | Battlefield Wiki – Fandom
Lwing aircraft available. The F-35B is known for its versatility and advanced technology, making it a unique addition to the aerial combat options in Battlefield 2.
The F-35B: What you need to know about the UK’s fifth- …
Voici un aperçu détaillé du F-35 Lightning – l’avion le plus avancé à entrer en service avec les forces armées britanniques.